At the time of DUI arrest, the police officer will punch a hole in your Washington State driver’s license. Your driver’s license status becomes temporary and will automatically suspend 60 days from your arrest date, unless you schedule an administrative hearing with the Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL) within 7 days of your arrest.
You may still drive within the 60 days that your temporary driver’s license is valid. If you receive a hearing date that is farther than 60 days from your arrest date, your temporary license will remain valid until a decision is made at your hearing (not to exceed 150 days from the arrest date).
The form to request a hearing should have been given to you by the arresting police officer, but you can print it out from the DOL website. You can request and pay for the hearing online with a credit card or you can mail your request in with a check to the DOL. If you mail your request, we recommend sending the form by certified mail.
The hearing fee is $375 and is non refundable, even if you win the hearing. If you can not afford to pay this fee, you can apply for a DUI Indigent Waiver at the DOL website. Administrative hearings address highly technical DUI issues, so it is recommended that you hire a DUI lawyer to represent you.
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